What Is Bitcoin And How Does It Work?

What Is Bitcoin

What Is Bitcoin And How Does It Work?

Bitcoin is a currency like dollars or Euros, except that it's digital. it is digital but that doesn't mean it's not real Bitcoin is as real as it gets.  

Starbucks accepts Bitcoin is payment. so it is Microsoft you can buy a car from Tesla using only Bitcoin, it's amazing and it's really becoming a big worldwide sensation. one of the things that people love about Bitcoin is that you can send money from anywhere in the world to anywhere else in the world basically instantly. takes about 10 minutes to send a Bitcoin transaction even if it's from Alaska to Africa and with no transaction fees essentially. and once it's sent you can easily convert it into any other currency that you want it's really convenient really great that's why a lot of people are using it. 

What Is Bitcoin Wallet

What Is Bitcoin Wallet

It's really easy and it starts with a Bitcoin wallet. you can think of a Bitcoin wallet just like the normal wallet that you have in your pocket right now. but you know what sucks about the normal wall in your pocket that thing set you back a few bucks. that cost you some money Bitcoin wallets are free and they're really easy to get they can live on your phone, on your computer, or on a thumb drive in a safe. you can download your Bitcoin wallet from any normal app store, the Apple app store, the Google App Store, or anything else to be right on your phone like grant saying or your computer. Now that you have your bitcoin wallet it's empty you got to fill it with something don't want an empty Bitcoin no one was that kind of a slumber you has empty Bitcoin wallets.

How Does Bitcoin Work

How Does Bitcoin Work

So you can check that out, I set up an account there I hook up my bank account to that account and then. I can move dollars in a Bitcoin out couldn't be easier I can move if I have Bitcoin and I want to turn that into dollar super easy, I move the Bitcoin I move the dollars out it's no problem, so now once we get Bitcoin in our wallet yeah it's time to find some uses for that Bitcoin. finally, we're not the lowest of the low we have some Bitcoin in our wallet this is amazing I feel so alive what are we gonna. 

How To Use Bitcoin

How To Use Bitcoin

Well there's many uses for sure one of the coolest is the ability to send Bitcoin pretty much instantaneously to anyone anywhere in the world anonymously, and it essentially no or very very low exchange fees, how I was 20 grand yeah let's pretend $10,000, that protects let's just particularly that's not true yeah let's just pretend never. well, we're just gonna pretend. great all grand has to do is send me his Bitcoin wallet address, or even a QR code, with that which the wallet generates for him get text it to me could email it to me really easily, I just put that in my wallet I type in however much I want to send him i hit send 10 minutes later the money is his. but owing people money is not the only reason to have Bitcoin and obviously like we said earlier you can buy a Starbucks coffee or a tesla car or a Microsoft computer with Bitcoin including a lot of other stuff, there are other things you can do to we know a lot of you guys are poker players.

so you want to play poker on nitrogen sports poker room. just, for example, they might be one of our sponsors, they probably are one of rap monsters they only accept Bitcoin because it's so easy to use and we're gonna tell you the benefits right now. so we're gonna assume the rest of you who are still here our poker players because we just said we're going to talk about the benefits for poker players. so all those other people should just turn this off. so if you're a poker player you know sometimes it can be kind of hard to deal with online poker situations. I'm back during the poker boom you might think you a couple weeks to get a check when you cash out if there's a lot of sites where the first time you get paid that month it's free but the next time it costs like 25 bucks or the fee.

never is that the case with bitcoin is super fast its minutes and there's never any fee.imagine you just banked the tournament for four thousand dollars and you want to get it now or four hundred thousand dollars. or four hundred thousand dollars you can get it all and you can get right now. so you think 10 $10,000 tournaments in a row because you're really good at wow you are really good. and you're really fading all the variants really well you're doing a great job. you can cash out ten different times for ten thousand dollars it's all free and all instantaneous. and you can do this without when you set up your account without giving up any of your sort of sign up normal signing detail. yeah, no personal information needed to sign up for my sites so it's pretty awesome it's pretty great. so check out some Bitcoin poker we really recommend.



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Achi Info: What Is Bitcoin And How Does It Work?
What Is Bitcoin And How Does It Work?
What Is Bitcoin | Bitcoin is a currency like dollars or Euros, except that it's digital. it is digital but that doesn't mean it's not real bitcoin is as real as it gets.
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