North Korea Threat: US 'Monitoring Missile Claim

Hello I'm Usman Munir, our top story on impact today,
North Korea Threat: US 'Monitoring Missile Claim

North Korea missile claim

Microsoft says the ransomware cyber attack is a wake-up call for us all it. blames governments around the world for not revealing software vulnerabilities they found instead stockpiling them for their own use as cyber weapons.

North Korea claims,
North Korea claims,

This is a new type of rocket capable of carrying nuclear warhead the longest range missile it's ever tested. also ahead Lee Joe Jang's grandmother revealed on her deathbed she had been forced into prostitution. she'll tell us about the novel that experienced inspired before coming up here on impact. he is by now a familiarity, 
North Korea test-fired a new missile accompanied by claims that it's growing military prowess regional powers, condemned the launch some warning of consequences others urging restraint an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council is called, but what's different this time is that the missile has the longest range of any tested by North Korea. and the test came just days after South Korea's new president was sworn in Samantha Simmons has more. is this the rocket that could be used to launch a nuclear missile strike on America, that's the claim being made by the North Korean leader Kim jong-un according to the state news agency this new ground-to-ground missile is capable of carrying a large heavy nuclear warhead. the agency said that while inspecting the missile Mr. Kim warned the US mainland is in Pyongyang cites. the rhetoric between u.s. and North Korea has been ramping up in recent weeks, with the US warships being sent to the region.

President Trump,
North Korea Threat: US 'Monitoring Missile Claim

Has said all options are on the table in dealing with Pyongyang and has also begun installing a controversial anti-missile system in South Korea
but he's also said he would be willing indeed honored to meet with Kim jong-un under the right circumstances. the US ambassador to the UN warns the firing of this missile isn't the right way to go about improving relations. I think a missile test is not the way to sit down with the president. because he's absolutely not going to do it. I think you first have to get into Kim jong un's head. you know which is he's in a state of paranoia he's incredibly concerned about anything and everything around him so is this missile truly a real and present danger to U.S. 

North Korea's neighbors have long feared it's shorter range missiles, after Sunday's test Pyongyang can now threaten a much greater area. this latest missile has a range of more than 4,000 kilometers bringing US air bases in the Pacific into reach. but not the US mainland

North Korea utterly advancing its technologies, but it is also now able to essentially very quickly. launch these missiles without a lot of preambles and so it can be very much a surprise, and solid-fuel means that it can do it very very quickly which is very worrisome for the international community. the missile test is also an immediate challenge to South Korea's new leader he was sworn in just last week telling his people he wanted to reach out to his neighbor.

All eyes will now be turning to China what can President Xi Jinping to rein in his ally so far they have simply urged restraint on all sides.
 the UN Security Council will meet on Tuesday to discuss their options, so far their policy of sanctions appears to be failing.



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Achi Info: North Korea Threat: US 'Monitoring Missile Claim
North Korea Threat: US 'Monitoring Missile Claim
North Korea claims this is a new type of rocket capable of carrying nuclear warhead the longest range missile it's ever tested. also ahead Lee Joe Jang's grandmother revealed on her deathbed she had been forced into prostitution. she'll tell us about the novel that experienced inspired before coming up here on impact. he is by now a familiarity,
Achi Info
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