Make Money Affiliate Marketing Without Website

hey, guys. my name is Usman Munir and I am started here at the homemade Affiliate Marketing Without Website for beginners.
Make Money Affiliate Marketing Without Website

make money Affiliate Marketing without a website

now it's going to be mostly for beginners, in Affiliate Marketing but there are some advanced techniques in it, so just be aware of that. and I'm going to tell you exactly what you need. how to get it going and how to actually make money with Affiliate Marketing and honestly you don't need a website at all so stay tuned I'll show you that in just second alright guys so there are five different accounts you need the.

First Account You Need YouTube   

first account you need is a YouTube account, the reason you need a YouTube account because that is where the majority of your traffic is going to be going to actually get to your Affiliate Marketing links okay so YouTube that's number one.

Second Account That You Need is a Facebook      

you probably already have a Facebook account. so don't worry about you don't need another one just use that same account I explain why in just second.

Third Account That You Need is a Google+    

which is pretty much just a Google account and then you can create the plus scale with it. but if you have a YouTube account you probably have a Google+ account. so these three are very important I'm explaining to you why in just a second.

Fourth Account That You Need is an Amazon.    

associate account, so this is pretty much the Amazon site, where you become an affiliate you can promote their products. without this, you can still do it with my number five account let you need. but I highly recommend this one the Amazon account or a Walmart affiliate account which you can go to things called root curtain and you can get it there. but I recommend Amazon because they have millions and millions of products you can promote.

so the people ask me all the time before you ask me why am I giving you all this. it's simple Amazon is my main income and they have millions of products. so the likelihood of you promoting the exact same products that I'm promoting are very slim to pretty much none okay you'll probably win the lottery before you pick the exact same products. I promote on over on YouTube so let's get to number five Clickbank into the last one they're pretty much just an affiliate Network. you can go to their site you can pretty much promote any of their courses or software guide stuff like that that's what they have most of it you're getting about twenty to thirty dollars per sale over here it's all on a kind of tier. basis depending on you knows what products you're promoting. so just know

so just know these are the five accounts like I said I'll explain to you why you need each one and we're going to do that right now YouTube why do you need a YouTube account because you are promoting your videos from Facebook and from Google Plus, Facebook you probably already know you're going to promote it on Facebook because you want to get your video in front of your friends and family, have them like your video or share it with their friends and their family because it's going to put your video or that particular post. it's going to boost it up okay the more eyes the more engagement it gets, chances are more people will follow that link over to YouTube channel watch the video, and maybe they will buy the course or a product this is why you do not need a website, you need these five accounts, if you only have these four and not Clickbank, you'd still be fine you can just promote the products. 

If you don't have that you'll still be fine you can still promote the course the software take the guides all that great stuff there if you don't have a Google+ account the problem that you can't solve probably don't have a youtube account but the problem, you'll have here if you do not have this account is that from just you know months and months of trying to run different tests what. 

I found out is the most popular videos on YouTube that want to get to go to trending quickest wanting, to get the most views the ones that are really drawn in the traffic. house the most Google+ shares. so the reason you have a Google+ account. so you can share all your videos on Google+, you can tell all your followers over on Facebook your friends and family and whoever.

To go follow you here so that they can +1 your videos and to get it ranked higher Google right here owns YouTube right here. there's a correlation between the two, why would that benefit YouTube videos, because they want more people over on their own they're on social networking site. that's Google+ okay. that really needs that's a really need that Facebook we kind of talked about that you will just have a lot more people. so let me explain to you kind of how you should go about this. all right so I did a video I did a video and I'm talking about this Joby Gorillapod. this is something I use for blogging for videos here.

but I did a video this thing cost think this thing cost like $49 so 49 let's, I get so let's say I get five percent of that every two dollars and forty-five cents for every single one of these that people buy from my link.  so I link to this product over on Amazon. they'd say buy this maybe they buy $100 screen and I get another five percent here's another five dollars maybe they want two of these in two desktop screens. so I'm just going to double that so from one link I just made $14.90 from one person one sale how great is that now.

let me just you know point something out it is not going to be that easy. you need to get views to that video. how do you do that this is where Google+ and Facebook come in so I got Google+ and Facebook you want to get as many shares on Google+ as you can and you want to get as many likes, shares, your viewers, to that video from Facebook. this is why I highly recommend you promote to your friends and family in the beginning. to just get him over to your videos. just because they watch her read it don't have to subscribe your channel don't have to do any of that stuff, just get them to watch your video by having them watch your video. hit that like button or the thumbs up button which reminds me you're finding any of this is valuable click that subscribes button or clicks that thumbs up button in the video. what you will do is you just want them to watch the video because the more people that watch your video the higher your videos look are going to go in the youtube search engine. 

So and on top of that the more Google+ shares that you have the higher that video is going to go. I say you don't have Joby Gorillapod and you don't know how am I going to promote this what am I going to do maybe you're going to do you know recipe, maybe you're on a health kick, okay got a health kick, so I'm going to promote these right here these Kirkland adult vitamin gummies which are actually pretty good by the way just only too many. 

but let's say I'm going to promote those. I'm just going to be doing videos for my friends and family like. alright this is the workout you are going to see I have links to other videos to Amazon to promote those products, not the exact same ones or what that were right there but just gives you an idea, I am taking part in affiliate marketing here on this YouTube channel, it's very subtle I don't promote say hey go buy this go do this you need it but I put him out there so if somebody wants to know okay what item was that he was talking about these gummies from Kirkland so pretty much from Costco you know he's talking about those I wonder where you bought those I put a little link in the description box and that's where you'd actually make the money get the person over there and hopefully. get the sale so Get the sale so instead of promoting an Amazon product, maybe you're going to be talking about cooking you know I talked about and you know someone's on a health kick, they want that that keto diet is okay maybe you're going to promote an amazon recipe book, or diet, you know plan you'll workout gear whatever. or you can you can send them over to Clickbank, 

so you said that same person to Amazon, they bought that stuff then you send over to Clickbank, and they bought a 67 dollar keto course. on how to you know to manage a keto diet what items what things you can and can't eat how you should work out you know the best you know sleep routine all that great stuff. so you buy that - you make thirty

So you buy that - you make thirty-four dollars off that let's say. Thirty-four dollars you make fourteen ninety off that you just made $48.90 from one person one view now I'm not saying every single view you get you make forty dollars but let's say every two hundred views you get you get you know one person to buy a product. well if it's only you know a $49 five you get your to two hundred forty-five cents, is a hundred people worth two dollars and forty-five cents yes it is. so I could literally go on and on and on about affiliate marketing, how much done for me for my business for my life. but I'm just telling you do not need a website. so many people think I have to have a website if I don't have a website. I can't make money. that is just complete crap you can you can't make money just use YouTube. now that I have multiple YouTube channels you know and you probably never seen me outside of my home in entrepreneur channel, chances are you've seen my hands the reason I can say that is because probably 98% of my videos never even show my face the ones that do the show.

I just promote the products okay so is affiliate marketing a great business to get into yes it is. now in 2017 if you can get now in 2017 if you can get into affiliate marketing, start getting your links out there through videos, through Facebook, through Google+, every other social networking, site out there social media site, you will start to make money. it makes trickle in the beginning.

It makes trickle in the beginning. but as you build as you get more and more links as more people start watching your videos, follow you on facebook, are you following you over on Google+, or Twitter, or Instagram, wherever build up following. because I guarantee you the more links you have out there is a better quality videos, post, you know accounts that you have, you're going to see more and more income will come from it so I've got so many questions on affiliate marketing you know kinds of beginning stages of affiliate marketing more advanced stages let me know in the comment section below open more than happy to answer those questions for you like I said you do not need a website if you do have a website or you are kind of you to know itching to create one. or you just want to put something out there you know little blog. go to, go to Blogspot, go to you know Squidoo wherever. you'll help they just create a little site. it's a little one-page site and promotes your video, promote your Facebook account.o just get it done I guarantee you-you start putting out the links now. you do one link every single day. you will be making money from affiliate marketing in no time. so that

so that was all I have for you guys today hopefully this article on in marketing for beginners help you out.



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Achi Info: Make Money Affiliate Marketing Without Website
Make Money Affiliate Marketing Without Website
now it's going to be mostly for beginners, in Affiliate Marketing but there are some advanced techniques in it, so just be aware of that. and I'm going to tell you exactly what you need. how to get it going and how to actually make money with Affiliate Marketing and honestly you don't need a website at all so stay tuned I'll show you that in just second alright guys so there are five different accounts you need the.
Achi Info
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