How To Promote Clickbank Products Using Instagram

Clickbank Products Using Instagram

how to promote Clickbank products using free traffic. 

that I personally use in promoting my Clickbank offers. I will explain to you the strategy, and how it works. so right now I'm in my Clickbank account and as you can see that's that's my Clickbank dashboard right here and the first thing that you want to do is go to the Clickbank marketplace. you want to get the Clickbank offer, now I do recommend that when you're selecting a Clickbank offer, it has to be something that is a compelling offer, and the price is a good price and it pays a good affiliate Commission. I'll be giving you the product that that is that I would recommend that you promote, so it's Rama okay and there's a reason why I want you to promote this. so basically you can copy what I'm doing right here and you can promote this. so what you do is go to marketplace and click affinor ama or put a filo Rama and then click search right here and this one will show up, now the reason why I want this I want to promote this or I want you to promote this as a Clickbank affiliate right, is if you have a look here the initial dollar per sale, or the initial the initial sale is forty-nine dollars and twenty-four so what this means is if you promote your Clickbank affiliate link, each time someone purchased through your link you will get paid forty-nine dollars and twenty-four.  which is not bad right and yeah.

How to Promote Clickbank Products for Free with Instagram

Clickbank Products Using Instagram

now the way Instagram works and I'm not sure if you're familiar with Instagram but if you're not I'll explain it Instagram is a mobile app. so most people are using or a majority of the people are using Instagram on their mobile phone. so it's it's a social network platform where people share their different images as you can see in this example right here different images, short videos, and most of the time they are images with codes, you know inspirational motivational codes. now if you want to promote your Clickbank affiliate link using Instagram the first thing you need to do is create your own Instagram account. It's pretty straightforward so you just open up a lick or you just open an Instagram account right. and then you have to get your followers and you have to build your following as we call it so you need to have a lot of followers, now if you're asking.

best Clickbank affiliate programs for Instagram 

So the way to do this is to see how it says let's say this is your username right this is called the bio the bio section alright or the bio page bio area alright or the biography. so this user right here you can see here it says millionaire mentor number one entrepreneur lifestyle blah blah blah. and says here how to start and scale your internet marketing biz right and he has this link, here and that link if I click on this link example it. so see how it goes - we call this a landing page, so the strategy is from Instagram right he has this bio or the biography, write something about what this Instagram account is all about, and then he has this call to action on how to start and scale your internet marketing this, and then he has this link. and that link goes to the landing page or to his landing page now remember before that we already have the Clickbank affiliate link right here.
so what's happening is let's say for example you have people who are looking at this image, and they see click link in bio. so if they go and look at the bio which is this one. they will see this text and says how to start and scale your internet marketing base, and then they will click on that link, and that link will go to the landing page, and right after the landing page, it will then go to the offer or the product or the affiliate link whatever you want, and that's how the strategy work.  the question is how do you actually create the landing page, and there are two - landing page creators that I do recommend. the first one is click funnels, and click funnels is it's an easy landing page builder, and you can create your free account. you can create your free account and you can use this for 14 days without paying any amount of money. and the other one that I can recommend is called lead pages and again lead pages you can try this and you can create high converting landing pages like this.

 how to use click funnel and landing pages.

which are about landing page builders because when you sign up, to this landing page builders they also have their own training so instead of me showing the same training, you can just check this out and you will see here c4c a demo. account and then you have your bio and then you have a call to action right here. and then here in this part, you will put your landing page URL,  or the link goes to your landing page. and that's how it works now the other challenge that you will have is because Instagram is a mobile app.  although Instagram is free traffic, and you can start promoting your Clickbank offers using Instagram. the challenge is because Instagram works on mobile or it is a mobile app you need some kind of a software to run or to use Instagram on your desktop PC, or on your on your Mac, and this is where you need that piece of software, video showing how this lazy secret Instagram is making six figures. so I do recommend that if you want to promote your Clickbank affiliate links using free traffic, specifically Instagram, how to specifically use Instagram to promote your Clickbank affiliate links. and I hope that you get good value out of this. 



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Achi Info: How To Promote Clickbank Products Using Instagram
How To Promote Clickbank Products Using Instagram
how to promote Clickbank products using free traffic. that I personally use in promoting my Clickbank offers. I will explain to you the strategy, and how it works. so right now I'm in my Clickbank account and as you can see that's that's my Clickbank dashboard right here and the first thing that you want to do is go to the Clickbank marketplace. you want to get the Clickbank offer, now I do recommend that when you're selecting a Clickbank offer,
Achi Info
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