Chris Cornell dead in 'suspected suicide' just hours after performing last Soundgarden gig

Chris Cornell, now Soundgarden and Audioslave frontman who was found dead at the age of 52.
Chris Cornell dead in 'suspected suicide' just hours after performing last Soundgarden gig

Is thought to have committed suicide. a philanthropic looker who spent his life fundraising for charity. was reportedly found dead in a hotel bathroom after taking his own life. Chris Cornell had been performing with Soundgarden at Detroit's Fox Theatre on the evening of May 17th, 2017, where his last song in my time of dying poignant Lee referenced his deathbed according to local channel fold if Detroit missing they returned to the MGM Grand Hotel where the band was staying after the gig.

Which also featured Gossip Girl start here a Monson's burned The Pretty Reckless as a support act. the news outlet claims Chris Cornell wife Nicole now called a family friend and asked him to check on the singer. the friend went to the hotel and forced open Chris Cornell door and found him lifeless in the ensuite bathroom excised the Droid reported police are saying Chris Cornell cause of death, was apparent suicide police now say the death Chris Cornell appears to have been a suicide. investigation still ongoing tweeted one reporter from the site. it came after Chris Cornell rep described the rockers loss as sudden and unexpected adding that it had left his family shocked. Chris Cornell leaves behind wife the Iker a pianist Cornell who he recently described as an angel a lioness and the perfect wife and mother. their 12-year-old daughter Tony and son Christopher 11. he also leaves his daughter Lillian Jean 16. who he shares
who he shares with his ex-wife Susan Silva who he divorced in 2004. 

Just days ago Chris Cornell shared a picture of some pink roses on America's Mother's Day and told Vicki that he loved her. he also thanked Vicky's mom Tony Carrie yarnís for giving him the love of my life happy Mother's Day tanned my mom Tony Kara's you thanks for giving me the love of my life. he wrote in the sweet message Christmas tweet from his official account came just after 7:00 p.m. local time hours before he was due to take the stage at Detroit's Fox Theater the gig. 

Was sold out and Soundgarden was being supported by The Pretty Reckless who lead singer is Taylor Momsen of Gossip Girlfriend, she had posted a message before the gig telling fans it was her band's last ever gig with Soundgarden. the last song Chris Cornell never sang on stage before his sudden and unexpected death contained lyrics referencing Jesus and heaven. Chris Cornell the lead singer of Soundgarden and later Audioslave died at the age of 52 just hours after joining his Soundgarden bandmates on stage in Detroit's Fox Theater. the band had been 2/3 of the way through their North American tour and were due to travel to Columbus Ohio for a concert on May 19th. they were then scheduled to appear in Maryland Heights Denver Houston Dallas and Oklahoma whether the tour would end on May 27th.

According to the setlist posted online by fans. Chris Cornell last ever song was in my time of dying which contains the lyrics, in my time of dying I want nobody to mourn all I want for you to do is take my body home. it continues with the verse Jesus going to make up my dying bed meet me Jesus meet me, meet me in the middle of the air if my wings should fail me Lord, please meet me with another pair the song has been covered by the likes of Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin and is thought to have originated with Louisiana street performers in the 1920s.

It will inspire by a Bible passage from the book of psalms and closes each verse with a line about the singer's deathbed. his representative Brian Bunbury said in a statement. his wife Vicki and family were shocked to learn of his sudden and unexpected passing Bunbury said they would like to thank his fans for their continuous love and loyalty and ask for their privacy be respected at this time. the statement also said the family would be working closely with the medical examiner to determine the cause and asked for privacy.



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Achi Info: Chris Cornell dead in 'suspected suicide' just hours after performing last Soundgarden gig
Chris Cornell dead in 'suspected suicide' just hours after performing last Soundgarden gig
Chris Cornell, now Soundgarden and Audioslave frontman who was found dead at the age of 52. Is thought to have committed suicide. a philanthropic looker who spent his life fundraising for charity. was reportedly found dead in a hotel bathroom after taking his own life. Chris Cornell had been performing with Soundgarden at Detroit's Fox Theatre on the evening of May 17th, 2017, where his last song in my time of dying poignant Lee referenced his deathbed according to local channel fold if Detroit missing they returned to the MGM Grand Hotel where the band was staying after the gig.
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