How To Set Focus Keyword In Wordpress

How To Set Focus Keyword In Wordpress

How to add SEO titles, Focus Keyword, and descriptions to your posts, your pages, in your entire site. 

I'm sure you're left wondering how are you supposed to know. 
how to write this content in such a way that it actually gets shared and indexed.
WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin.

has a tool to help you perfect that science. it's called  Focus Keyword, and these are not the typical keywords that you're generally here. 

HOW TO set Focus Keyword in Yoast SEO

HOW TO set Focus Keyword in Yoast SEO

Of typical keywords are meta information you add to your site, they have little value. A Focus Keyword is actually a tool that's built into this plug-in that allows you to make sure that your content and your SEO information is targeting the right audience, and here's how it works. 
first, you figure out what your target audience is and what they are likely to search for. in this case my article is about Best Broker and how it's changing things. so I can then type in the type of keyword I think people might be looking for. it could be something as simple as Best Broker. so I'll type in Best Broker and here you can see right away the system is going online and looking for what type of terms people are looking for that match what I'm saying. 
so here you see suggestions on things people are looking for online on Google, and you can use this to further refine your Focus Keyword, or key phrase, to target a specific audience. but I'm going to leave it at Best Broker, 

HOW TO set Focus Keyword in the page title

HOW TO set Focus Keyword in the page title

I want Best Broker to appear in my heading if I look at my heading, you see it says, How To Choose a Forex Best Broker Guide and I quite like this title and I don't want to add google in front of it because this is a poetic thing that I want to be exactly the way it is.  for the page title, 
it's as yes that's because that's the page title I created so this SEO title,
it's great I have the term that I wanted to target in my page title, if I didn't I should really admin. 

HOW TO set Focus Keyword in URL

HOW TO set Focus Keyword in URL

Page URL it says yes that's because when you look at the URL here it to say How To Choose a Forex Best Broker Guide.  
I update it you'll see that it will now say that I have the word in my URL. just one thing on changing URLs if you've already published this post you should not change the page URL biggest that way. 
if people have already linked to it the link will break. so this is something you should do before you post it. 
The content also has the term Best Broker in it a couple of times and that's great. but if you are targeting a specific type of markets. and you see this says no then you really need to change your actual content meaning you have to go.

HOW TO set Focus Keyword for your post or page                                                                                                             
HOW TO set Focus Keyword for your post or page

And rewrite your article to get the Focus Keyword, into your article. 
finally, my meta description currently has eyes Focus Keyword
things now that you've added the information, you want and you have a mostly good score here, under Focus Keyword.
you can save this post. so I'm going to update it and you can scroll down and now we can click on page analysis.

so on in a nutshell page analysis will look over your article figure out whether it makes sense the way you've written, it tell you what's wrong with it how to write a better article, and how to get it indexed on search engines, shared on social media, and read by more people it's a great feature, and by utilizing it you are improving the content on your site. and making it more likely that more people will read it.



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Achi Info: How To Set Focus Keyword In Wordpress
How To Set Focus Keyword In Wordpress
How to add SEO titles, Focus Keyword, and descriptions to your posts, your pages, in your entire site. I'm sure you're left wondering how are you supposed to know. how to write this content in such a way that it actually gets shared and indexed. WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin. has a tool to help you perfect that science. it's called Focus Keyword, and these are not the typical keywords that you're generally here.
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