How To Write Seo friendly Article Tips

Hi, guys, I am Usman Munir and, I want to give you some Seo friendly Article writing tips.
How To Write Seo friendly Article Tips

Remember content is king, it is what drives traffic to your website, without the proper search terms within your content you will not be found the key. 
is to make sure you are writing for humans and not Search Engines or at the same time you are adding search phrases, keywords, within the content let's take a look at some of my tips.

Number 1: keeps the content for each page between 400 to 700 hundred words, For Seo friendly Article.

Keep it engaging and keep it simple. 

Number 2: do not use generic one-word keywords,

What that means is if your number 2 do not use generic one-word keywords what that means, is if you have a hallmark store in Rockland County New York do not use the keyword Hallmark cards or Rockland County by itself.

Number 3: think of 3 to 4 keyword, phrases, 

And what that means is exactly what I was just talking about. instead of using just a term hallmark or store use a term hallmark store Rockland County New York. that keyword will target your market more effective.

Number 4: think of two keyword phrases for each page. 

So if you have five pages to your website you will need 10 keywords for your website. you can have more but the 10 most popular keyword to the ones you will be using within the content of your website.

Number 5: add keywords in the body of the content. 

Now that you have come up with your keywords you will add those keywords to the body of your content for each page.       

Number 6: add keywords within first 165 characters. 

And why you may ask because Google uses the first hundred and sixty-five characters as a description for your website, under search engines.
so it is very important that the two keywords you use for that page. are also used within the first hundred and sixty-five characters of your description. 

Number 7: spread out keywords within the content after you have used those keywords.

The long tail keywords within their first hundred and sixty-five characters of your description, use it throughout the content of your website. 
so you can use hallmark you can use the address Rockland County in the footer you can use cards in your side navigation, and just keep it within all within the content of your site. that's it, for now, 

People you can feel free to follow me on facebook at PR underground or twitter on pure underground and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me thank you.



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Achi Info: How To Write Seo friendly Article Tips
How To Write Seo friendly Article Tips
I want to give you some Seo friendly Article writing tips. remember content is king, it is what drives traffic to your website, without the proper search terms within your content you will not be found the key. is to make sure you are writing for humans and not Search Engines or at the same time you are adding search phrases, keywords, within the content let's take a look at some of my tips.
Achi Info
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