SEO Starter Guide : The Beginner’s Guide To SEO (2017 SEO Strategies)

seo Starter Guide

Do you know that maximum bloggers fail to get maximum visitors to their site by doing improper SEO? Do you know that by using proper SEO  you can increase the visitors to your blog or website and you can also get the higher ranking position in the search engine? 

You want to know all the basics of SEO and its importance and found nothing. Don't worry.  Here is a complete step by step Introduction to SEO and all of its parts.

You might think that search engine is just a website and you visit to write a question into a search box and Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or whatever search engine you're using and instantly replies with long list sites that could potentially answer your question.

That's right. But have you ever thought what logic is behind those lists of web links?

Well, guys! If you are a beginner with no concepts of SEO just like I used to be, in the beginning…

Then, only sit calmly and take a cup of tea and read this post carefully as your problems regarding SEO are going to vanish.

After reading this whole article, you will get a vivid concept of all necessary things and a proper path to move on, on your SEO journey.

And I damn sure; you’re going to love it. So here we go..

 What is SEO?

seo Starter Guide

Simply you can say that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility or ranking of a website/blog on organic (organic mean natural or unpaid) search engine result pages (SERPs), by posting search engine friendly things into a site. There are two basic types of Search engine optimization: on-page SEO, and off-page SEO. On-page search engine optimization refers to a site or a blog element which consists a web page, such as HTML code, textual post content, and images which suitable to post. Off-page optimization refers,  to backlinks (backlinks mean links pointing to the site which is being optimized, from other relevant websites).

 White Hat SEO

 It refers to the search engine optimization (SEO)   methods which are according to the SEO guidelines set by the search engines.  So you can say that it uses approved search engine optimization techniques to improve the ranking of a website/blog on search engine results pages (SERP).

Unlike Black Hat SEO, it mainly focuses on the human visitors opposed to, a search engine. People who are finding out a long-term investment on their websites just focus on white hat SEO techniques.

 Black HAT SEO

It corresponds to the search engine optimization techniques which are not according to the SEO guidelines set by all the search engine sites. These methods exploit the weaknesses in search engines to get higher rankings for websites on the search engine results pages (SERP).

Its primary purpose to focuses on search engines and not on the real human web visitors.  Those People who are looking for a quick return of money on their website rather than a long term investment use black hat SEO techniques.

 Why Do I Need To Do SEO Of My Website?

Let’s recall our previous discussion of Search Engine Optimization! We are doing SEO to increase our site’s visibility in search engine results. 
And here is the answer Why do we do:
You know very well Search engines are the largest and best sources for site traffic. You may already know the most famous ones, which are:
•    Google
•    Bing
•    Yahoo

No doubt, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, etc. can also produce a lot of visitors to your sites. But when it comes to the fundamental source, it’s always a search engine.

I know some of my friends who still use different search engines like Google to reach Facebook.

And also, a newcomer will always open Google to browse anything. Similarly stands properly for regular internet users, each time they want to seek anything like a piece of writing content, any form of offerings, merchandise or maybe any facts.

Another big reason which is making different the search engines is that they provide highly targeted traffic. We’ll get visitors on our blog who are looking for what exactly we are offering.

Search engines like Google and Yahoo will do that on their own if we have done our blog or site proper SEO.

But if we don’t follow that, search engines will not be able to find our blog or website.  We’ll not be getting any traffic.

Users’ search queries are that words that users type into the search bar for finding anything. And these are critical. If we are not doing white hat SEO by ignoring search queries, our websites will get ignored by search engines as well.  
 You can say that targeted traffic or web visitors means increased exposure and revenue for your site. So don’t reluctant to invest some money in SEO, if you want to take an excellent rate of return in comparison with any other marketing option.

What If I Don’t Do SEO Of My Website?

Here you must be thinking:

“Oh Man! Isn’t it the similar question like the last one? And you just answered, No SEO means No Traffic or web visitors From Search Engines!”

Yes! You are right…

But we want you to take an entirely unique feature of this question as well. And, we damn sure you won’t mind reading this interesting information.

Once your site or blog is live, search engines will crawl it to find out it is about what thing. Now if a user searches for a such a  topic which related to your websites,  then search engines will display it in its result pages. Search engines are best and continually improving their features to crawl a site more effectively.But still,  there are some limitations in their working.
In Short, This is precisely introduction where SEO encounters action.  SEO favors the search engines to know more about a site's relevancy and some other important factors, which they can’t do themselves.
 So you can say that proper done SEO can give you a lot of viewers while some wrong steps can vanish your website from top search engines.  
Competition is rhythmically on the rise and, the ones who do SEO of their platforms will truly have a distinct advantage in case of traffic and viewers.
I hope that there is no ambiguity in concepts.

But beware: Having a sound knowledge of the core concepts of SEO is a must…!

I think it’s enough now if someone asks you “What is SEO?”

We will always focus and follow the methods of white hat SEO. We are not going into the details of Black Hat SEO.
It's all about basics. Hope you’ve got everything because we have added almost everything.

Before moving to the next part, the following are the major elements of search engine optimization. 

1.    Keyword Research
2.    On Page SEO
3.    Off Page SEO

Keyword Research

Almost all of the  SEO starter guide on the internet are ignoring keyword research. But according to me, it is an essential part of  SEO starter guide.

Keep in mind SEO is a  name of Keywords.

So we decided to give you a  brief introduction to “What Is Keyword Research?” and “Why It Is That Much Important?”.

In an earlier part of this SEO  starter guide, we have discussed the user’s search queries. These wordings of a user which write in the search queries of the search engines are known as keywords.

You should be aware of those keywords which related to your topic or niche if you want to be successful in SEO field. Various keywords have multiple values that depending on their search volume and some other ranking factors. In this SEO Starter Guide, we don’t need to go deeply into such factors.

You can say Keyword Research is totally finding the expect ions of the users to utilize web search engines. What precisely the visitors are searching for your blog topic, are your blog or website keywords.

By Using the correct keywords while doing SEO of your blog or site, is the profession choosing thing for your blog? It allows you a chance to know your focused audience in a  right way. It will enhance your site’s  significance to your point, and that is an extraordinary thing for SEO and web crawler like Google.

You need to do complete research to find profitable keywords related to your topic before starting your website. Even if you already have a website or blog and content on it, you can optimize it by using correct keywords and get a lot of visitors.

For now, if you want to know more about how to do keyword research to find profitable keywords, you can check out these cool guides for details.

» Moz: How To Do Keyword Research – The Beginners Guide to SEO
» Backlinko: Keyword Research: The Definitive Guide

Do Share this valuable SEO starter Guide with your friends and blogger family if you found it helpful.



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Achi Info: SEO Starter Guide : The Beginner’s Guide To SEO (2017 SEO Strategies)
SEO Starter Guide : The Beginner’s Guide To SEO (2017 SEO Strategies)
Learn What is SEO and how to do SEO to help your site rank in search engines like Google.SEO Starter Guide for the beginners.
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